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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2015

The Reasons I Chose This School

This article is not intended to persuade or to convince anyone. It's just a note to myself as to remembering my decision in choosing the education that I feel right for my kids. First of all, I didn't choose this school because of its "International School" tag. In fact, the "International" tag had made my doubts in the beginning. It all started from my long contemplation of the education system that I went through all my life. It's about the curriculum. Basically, I feel the conventional curriculum no longer sufficient for future competitiveness, as the learning is a one-way instructional from teachers to students. It doesn't help motivate and develop creative way of thinking and stimulate the excitement of learning. The conventional curriculum puts too much emphasis on academic and too much pressure on students, it is even doing more damage to them. When kids feel pressurised, their brain cells stop to grow.

School Time is Coming!

Yeay... school time is coming! Today, we just attended PSTIC, Parent-Student-Teacher Initial Conference, at the new school that we enrolled to for our first son, Rei (3 years 8 months old). We're so excited about it, because we've been waiting for a year to finally be able to enrol him to this school. He is the same excited as we are. This is the kind of school that I could only dream of I could ever go to. If only this kind of school existed as I was a kid. I fell in love with it since the first time I attended its open house about one and a half years ago. It's so different than other schools. It's not about the facility per se, I've seen better than this. It's about the curriculum, and how they view child's development in very detail. They apply the so called "Active Learning" curriculum. I know that the jargon is common nowadays in other comparable schools. But I can say that they implement "true" active learning, because it's...